We know. When you think of New York City you think skyscrapers, Fashion Week, museums, fabulous food, and even more fabulous people. But did you know that Manhattan is also home to two wild and wicked Halloween traditions? So get out of the studio apartment, grab your roommates in the multi bedroom share, say hasta la vista to the two bedroom for a few hours, and join the fun at the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade and the Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade.
Greenwich Village Halloween Parade
New York City’s 42nd annual Village Halloween Parade kicks off at 7p.m. on Saturday, October 31st. You have to see it to believe it! The event is billed as “the nation’s most wildly creative public participatory event in the greatest city in the world”. Only those in a costume of their own making can be in the parade; enter on 6th Avenue at Canal Street between 6:30pm and 8:30pm. This year’s theme is “Shine a Light”, but really, any creative costume of your own imagination will do. (Bonus: there’s prizes for the best costumes!) If getting into costume isn’t your thing, than make sure to watch. In addition to thousands of costumed New Yorkers there are also hundreds of puppets, 53 bands with all kinds of music, dancers and artists. It is a true New York spectacle and super, super fun!
Keep in mind though, if you are going to be in Greenwich Village on Halloween night around parade time, crossing streets will be a little tough. Please add extra time to get where you are going.
Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade
Dogs, costumes, parades – put them all together and you get one of the wackiest and woolliest New York City traditions: the Tomkins Square Halloween Dog Parade. This year the parade kicks off on Saturday, October 24th at noon and runs (pardon the pun) until 3p.m. A dog turned into a tarantula or tricked out as a British biker — the competition is ruff for the prizes. CNN calls it “the largest dog costume parade in the world” with hundreds of dogs in costumes and thousands of spectators. No need to register. Just show up and enjoy the festivities and the fur!
photo credit: Halloween Parade 2014 via photopin (license)